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What is Big Data ?

Many people believe Big Data is simply a large amount of data, but it is defined by more than just size.
Gartner Definition of Big Data is :" Big Data are high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety
information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization."

Big Data is described within the Gartner definition based on the three Vs:

  •  Volume: Size of data (how big it is)
  •  Velocity: How fast data is being generated
  •  Variety: Variation of data types to include source, format, and structure

In terms of the three Vs, the Gartner definition effectively says that:
"There is a lot of data, it is coming into the system rapidly, and it comes from many different sources in many different formats."

IT companies are investing billions of dollars into research and development for Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI), data mining, and analytic processing technologies. This fact underscores
the importance of accessing and making sense of Big Data in a fast, agile manner.
Big Data is important; those who can harness Big Data will have the edge in critical decision making. Companies utilizing advanced analytics platforms to gain real value from Big Data will grow faster than their competitors and seize new opportunities.

To support Big Data, modern analytic processing tools must .

  • Shift away from traditional, rearward-looking BI tools and platforms to more forward-thinking analytic platforms.
  • Support a data environment that is less focused on integrating with only traditional, corporate data warehouses and more focused on easy integration with external sources.
  • Support a mix of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data without complex, time Consuming IT engineering efforts.
  • Process data quickly and efficiently to return answers before the business opportunity is lost.
  • Present the business user with an interface that doesn't require extensive IT knowledge to operate.


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